The Engagement is Over: Whose Ring?
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The Engagement is Over: Whose Ring?

Monthly Archives: July 2013

The Engagement is Over: Whose Ring?

The engagement is over and the question of the engagement ring arises. Added to the emotional ruin, the parties involved must deal with the question of whether the engagement ring needs to be returned. Though most engagements lead to a … read more

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Income Gap and Changing Spousal Support Roles

The shattering of the glass ceiling allows many women to continue to narrow the income gap, which has resulted in some unforeseen consequences, particularly when it comes to divorce. Also, with the current economic situation in California, many formerly well … read more

Posted in Alimony, Divorce, Family Law | Leave a comment

The Pretrial Phase of the Divorce Process

The pretrial phase of the divorce process is a significant step towards resolving your divorce. Many of the actions taken in the pretrial phase can have a lasting impact on your final divorce judgment. The period of time after you … read more

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Establishing paternity and collecting child support

Establishing paternity, or determining a parent child relationship, is legally necessary in order to collect child support. If a child’s parents were not married to each other when the child was born, the law does not recognize the father unless … read more

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Conservators: Managing the Affairs of Those Who Aren’t Able

Conservators are persons who have court-ordered authority and responsibility to manage the affairs of those who can no longer make their own decisions about finances or health care. Common examples of such situations include individuals suffering memory loss from Alzheimer’s … read more

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Filing for Divorce: Estate Planning

When filing for divorce there are some estate planning factors to consider. In today’s society the word “estate” is used as a synonym for “wealth.” But the original meaning of the word “estate” was simply whatever a person owned at … read more

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Third Person Child Custody: Best Interests of the Child

There are child custody situations where it is preferable that the a child does not remain with either of their natural, biological parents, but instead custody is awarded to a third person. This may occur because the biological parents do … read more

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Protection of Assets: Fiduciary Duties

Often, in a marriage one of the partners will assume the major responsibility for the couples’ finances. In a legal sense, this person becomes a fiduciary. A fiduciary is an individual is who must act for the benefit of another … read more

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Marital Standard of Living

The marital standard of living is the lifestyle enjoyed by the parties during marriage. California law clearly and often designates “marital standard of living” as the standard to be used by the court in determining a payment amount for post-judgment … read more

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Collecting Unpaid Child Support in California

Collecting unpaid child support is an on going problem for many former spouses. High unemployment and the national economic situation leads to more people than ever unable to meet their financial obligations including child support payments. There are a growing … read more

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