When children are involved in a divorce or paternity matter, issues of custody and visitation are often the most contentious and emotional. This is where the advice of an experienced family law attorney can be invaluable. At the Law Offices of Anat Resnik, we assist and promote our clients to reach an agreement regarding their decision-making responsibilities and the day-to-day schedule for their children. However, when reaching such an agreement is not possible, we swiftly seek the Court’s assistance by requesting child custody and visitation orders. In reaching child custody and visitation orders, the court is required to determine what is in the best interests of the child(ren). Child custody considerations and laws in California consist of complex concepts, but generally require the court to consider which parent is best able to provide for the health, safety and welfare of the children, while also considering the history of custodial responsibilities, who has been the primary custodial parent, history of contact between the child and parents, and which parent will be most likely to promote frequent and continuing contact between the child and the other parent.
Basics of Child Custody and Visitation
There are two types of custody: Legal Custody and Physical Custody. Legal Custody involves the right to make decisions relating to the children’s health, education and general welfare. Essentially, the right to have a “say” in the major decisions relating to the upbringing of your child(ren). Although California has a preference that both parents participate in these decisions and that the parents share joint legal custody of the children whenever possible, there are certain cases when it is in the child(ren)’s best interest that only one parent have the right to make decisions relating to the child (sole legal custody). At the Law Offices of Anat Resnik we can fully explain your rights and discuss options that are are available given the specific facts of your case.
Physical Custody refers to where the children actually reside. Primary physical custody refers to a living arrangement where the child lives with one parent most of the time and visits the other parent. Joint physical custody refers to when the child lives with both parents an equal amount of time. The schedules to achieve either primary or joint physical custody are varied and frequently depend on many individualized facts such as the parents’ work schedule, living arrangements, etc. The Law Offices of Anat Resnik can assist you in negotiating a parenting plan, and also address issues of holidays and vacations. When efforts to negotiate a workable schedule for you and your children fails, we will seek judicial determination of custody and visitation.
Child Custody Attorney Encino CA – Visitation Attorneys Encino CA
If you are involved in a divorce, legal separation or paternity matter, it’s extremely important to seek legal counseling to discuss issues of custody and visitation so as to protect your parental rights. As experienced family lawyers, we have helped many people with their custody and visitation issues. We look forward to helping you. Contact us today to schedule a free initial telephone consultation with an experienced child custody and visitation attorney.
Child Custody Attorney Encino CA – Visitation Attorneys Encino CA